mtaopts-mailx.diff source

#   'mtaopts patch' for Heirloom mailx 12.5 7/5/10
#   Copyright (C) Dario Niedermann, 2012-2018
#   Implements 'mtaopts' user-settable mailx config variable, by which
#   arbitrary options can be passed to the MTA (e.g.: sendmail).
#   'mtaopts' can also be set within account{} blocks in config files.
#   Example usage case: passing sendmail the '-f'
#   option via 'mtaopts' prevents sendmail from exposing $USER@$HOSTNAME
#   This file is released with NO WARRANTY under the terms of the GPLv3
#   license. All files modified by this patch retain their original licenses.
#   Official web page for this patch:
#   <>

--- mailx-12.5/extern.h		2016-09-17 17:44:43.515548337 +0200
+++ mailx-12.5+mtao/extern.h	2016-09-16 20:23:45.362661232 +0200
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@
 struct name *nalloc(char *str, enum gfield ntype);
 struct name *extract(char *line, enum gfield ntype);
 struct name *sextract(char *line, enum gfield ntype);
+struct name *catWords(struct name *optList, char *line, char *varName);
 char *detract(struct name *np, enum gfield ntype);
 struct name *outof(struct name *names, FILE *fo, struct header *hp);
 int is_fileaddr(char *name);
--- mailx-12.5/names.c		2016-09-17 17:44:43.529549966 +0200
+++ mailx-12.5+mtao/names.c	2016-09-16 20:23:45.364661464 +0200
@@ -544,6 +544,68 @@
+/* extract all words from a line and append them one by one to the passed-in
+ * name-struct optList. Space is a separator only if it is not
+ * backslash-escaped and it is not between single quotes. 'varName' is the name
+ * of the variable that holds 'line' as its value. 'varName' is used only to
+ * warn the user in case too many words (>256) have been put into it. */
+struct name * 		
+catWords(struct name *optList, char *line, char *varName)
+#define NONE		0
+#define COPY		1
+#define WORDDONE	2
+	char		* lineCopy, * word[256];
+	char		prevCharWasEsc, betweenQuotes, action;
+	int		i, j, w;
+	struct name *	optName[256];
+	lineCopy = calloc(strlen(line)+1, sizeof(char));
+	/* copy line to lineCopy, a word at a time; when a word is done, copy
+	 * it to word[w] and make a name-struct member to hold it. Link this
+	 * struct member to optList. Rewind lineCopy & cp another word into it... */
+	prevCharWasEsc = 0; betweenQuotes = 0;
+	for (i=0, j=0, w=0, action=NONE ; ; i++, action=NONE) {
+		if (line[i] == '\\' && !prevCharWasEsc)
+			{ prevCharWasEsc = 1; continue; }
+		// else...
+		if (line[i] == '\'' && !prevCharWasEsc)
+			{ betweenQuotes = 1-betweenQuotes; continue; }
+		// else...
+		if (line[i] == '\0')
+			action = WORDDONE;
+		else if (line[i] != ' ' && line[i] != '\t')	// char's not whitespace
+			action = COPY;				// copy it
+		else if (prevCharWasEsc || betweenQuotes) 	// char IS space, but escaped
+			action = COPY;			 	// copy it
+		else
+			action = WORDDONE; // an unesc'd space NOT between quotes
+					   // means we're done reading a word
+		if (action == COPY) {
+			lineCopy[j++] = line[i];
+			prevCharWasEsc = 0; 
+		}
+		else if (action == WORDDONE) {
+			lineCopy[j] = '\0';
+			word[w] = calloc(strlen(lineCopy)+1, sizeof(char));
+			strcpy(word[w], lineCopy);
+			optName[w] = nalloc(word[w], 0);
+			optList = cat(optList, optName[w]);
+			if (line[i] == '\0') break;	// finished reading line
+			// else...
+			w++; j = 0;
+			if (w > 255) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"Warning: too many words in variable '%s'\n", varName);
+				fprintf(stderr,"         ignoring after the 256th word '%s'\n", word[255]);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(lineCopy);
+	return optList;
  * Unpack the name list onto a vector of strings.
  * Return an error if the name list won't fit.
--- mailx-12.5/sendout.c	2016-09-17 17:44:43.543551595 +0200
+++ mailx-12.5+mtao/sendout.c	2016-09-16 20:23:45.366661696 +0200
@@ -971,6 +971,8 @@
 	if ((cp = value("autobcc")) != NULL && *cp)
 		hp->h_bcc = cat(hp->h_bcc,
 				checkaddrs(sextract(cp, GBCC|GFULL)));
+	if ((cp = value("mtaopts")) != NULL && *cp) 	// user set var "mtaopts"
+		hp->h_smopts = catWords(hp->h_smopts, cp, "mtaopts");
 	 * Collect user's mail from standard input.
 	 * Get the result as mtf.
--- mailx-12.5/version.c	2010-07-05 01:07:59.000000000 +0200
+++ mailx-12.5+mtao/version.c	2016-09-17 17:36:50.302626899 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#define	V	"12.5"
+#define	V	"12.5+mtao"
  * Heirloom mailx - a mail user agent derived from Berkeley Mail.
“MTAopts for mailx” is Copyright © Dario Niedermann — Released with no warranty under the terms of the GPLv3 license. Written and tested on Linux using GNU tools.
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