wam.dc source

#    wam - Copyright (C) Dario Niedermann, 2017   (Released under GPLv3 license)
#    Weighted Arithmetic Mean for `dc'
#    Usage: 0 num1 weight1 num2 weight2 ... ... lwx
#    $Id: wam.dc 100 2017-05-11 22:14:07Z ndr $

[		# macro w:			     (init, then call main loop)
 0Sw		# push 0 to w (sum of weights)
 0Sp		# push 0 to p (sum of products)

 [		# macro a:						  (main)
  d 0 =q	# if weight is 0 (the terminator) then call q  (i.e.: quit loop)
 		# else...
  d Sw		#    	push copy of weight onto stack w (sum of weights)
  *		#	multiply num * weight
  Lp		#	fetch the running sum of products
  +		#	add it to the latest product
  Sp		#	store result to the running sum of products
  Lw		#	now... fetch back the latest weight from stack w
  Lw		#	and the running sum of weights
  + Sw		#	add them together and store them back to stack w
  lax		#	loop! (actually: recurse!)
 [	 	# macro q:			(work out final result and quit)
  Lp		# fetch the sum of products
  Lw		# and the sum of weights
  /		# divide them
  +		# this just gets rid of the 0 terminator left under TOS
  q		# quit

 lax		# w: call main loop
		# done: now clean up the registers we've altered (except w)
 La		# pop macro a (i.e.: TOS of a), push it on TOS
 X		# TOS is a string, so this pops it and returns 0 on TOS
 +		# get rid of that 0 adding it to result
 LqX+		# do the same for macro q


# If you use me non-interactively, put your data anywhere after next line:
# (e.g.: 0 num1 weight1 ... ... numN weightN lwxp)

# Compact me with: sed 's/[ \t]*#.*$//' wam.dc | tr -d '\n \t' | sed 's/$/\n/'
“WAM macro for dc” is Copyright © Dario Niedermann — Released with no warranty under the terms of the GPLv3 license. Written and tested on Linux using GNU tools.
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